# LuaStateBuilder

# Description

Can be used to create new states.

# Methods

# Render(function)

Is called when the state should be rendered/loaded. Should be used to select text and supply actions.


# ShowExit(show)

If set to true this will append an "exit" action at the end of the text body.

  • show (boolean)


# AllowSave(allow)

If set to false this will prevent saving the state and fallback to last savable state on save. This might be useful for UI-States or state relying on non persistent data. Defaults to true.

  • allow (boolean)


# Sticky(sticky)

If set to false this will prevent the chat from scrolling downwards automatically. Defaults to true.

  • sticky (boolean)


# ClearScreenPost(clear)

If set to false this will preserve chat render content to the next state. Defaults to true.

  • clear (boolean)
