A way to access an entities stats and edit them if needed
New Stats I Purpose
Player Stats (Test to see progression)
Enemy Stats
Battle Sim at Lvl. 1
23 HP
- 15 dmg
- 10 dmg if enemy had 5 armor
- 18 dmg
- 13 dmg w/ 0% peircing while enemy had 5 armor
- 15 dmg w/ 50% peircing while enemy has 5 armor
takes 1-2 attacks to kill enemy
earns 3xp per enemy killed (1-6, for 3-18)
15 xp required to level up. 6 of these enemies have to be killed. at low level, youll get always get about the same xp
- 15 HP
- 11 base dmg agains player
takes 3 attacks to kill player
Battle Sim at Lvl. 25
102 HP
- 39 dmg
- 29 dmg if enemy had 10 armor
- 48 dmg
- 38 dmg w/ 0% peircing while enemy had 10 armor
- 43 dmg w/ 50% peircing while enemy has 10 armor
takes 2-3 attacks to kill enemy
earns 6xp per enemy killed (1-6, for 6-36)
88 xp required to level up. 16 of these enemies have to be killed. this is a weaker creature, so low xp. a stronger creature could yeild 9-12 xp at this level
- 82 HP
- 21 base dmg agains player
takes 5 attacks to kill player
- health = 0.75 * level^1.3 + con + 5
- mana = wis * 0.4 + 10
- stats = (0.47 (stat / 20)) * level^1.35 + stat
- damage = str/int + weaponDMG - (enemyCon / 5 + enemyArmor(1 - weaponPeircing / 100))
if stats are too slow to increase at low levels (1-5), i found a way to change that, but i think itll be good slower (which is moving the whole graph to the left and readjusting for values)
xp is earned per character, so each character will get different amounts of xp, and no xp will be split/shared
- xp needed = 0.0895 (level + 5) + 12.8
- xp earned = 0.15 (level (enemyAveStats/playerAveStats))^1.2 + 3 + bonusXP
if leveling is too slow, should be able to raise the 0.15 to be a tad higher. bonusXP would be used for bosses or special enemies
And also, the formulas always give decimal values, so we will round to the smallest whole number in the game.
Site and project i used to calculate this stuff. Can easily change values and see results there:
- stats - https://www.desmos.com/calculator/iiwdktkqlw
- leveling - https://www.desmos.com/calculator/sni0gj2hax