Gardain - Fighter
- Health - 13
- Mana - 6
- Strength - 17
- Intellect - 13
- Agility - 10
- Defense - 16
- Spirit - 12
- Evasion - 12
- Alert - reduces chance of ambushes
- Copper Halberd
- Leather Armor
- Leather Boots
Olma - Paladin
- Health - 13
- Mana - 6
- Strength - 15
- Intellect - 9
- Agility - 12
- Defense - 16
- Spirit - 11
- Evasion - 14
- Guard - protects other character
- Battle Cry - slightly boosts atk. and def. stats of party
- Copper Long Sword
- Wooden Sheild
- Leather Armor
- Leather Boots
Luneiros - Ranger
- Health - 12
- Mana - 2
- Strength - 8
- Intellect - 10
- Agility - 17
- Defense - 14
- Spirit - 9
- Evasion - 16
- Reach - same dmg. boost as front row from back
- Sharpen Reflex - increases characters evasion
- Wooden Long Bow
- 20x Stone Arrows
- Leather Armor
- Leather Sandals
Malark - Rogue
- Health - 10
- Mana - 3
- Strength - 11
- Intellect - 9
- Agility - 16
- Defense - 14
- Spirit - 9
- Evasion - 15
- Steal - chance to steal item from enemy
- Light Foot - increase chance of first strikes
- Copper Shortsword
- Copper Dagger
- Cloth Clothing
- Leather Boots
Sanih - Red Mage
- Health - 8
- Mana - 14
- Strength - 12
- Intellect - 16
- Agility - 12
- Defense - 11
- Spirit - 15
- Evasion - 11
- Fire - causes fire elemental damage
- Heal - restore some of characters health
- Wood Staff
- Copper Knife
- Cloth Clothing
- Leather Boots
Fasan - Mage
- Health - 10
- Mana - 15
- Strength - 11
- Intellect - 16
- Agility - 13
- Defense - 10
- Spirit - 15
- Evasion - 11
- Blind - causes blindness. reduces accuracy for physical attacks
- Blizzard - causes ice elemental damage
- Fire - causes fire elemental damage
- Wood Staff
- Copper Knife
- Cloth Clothing
- Leather Sandals