# Create index.json

Before you can start programming, you need to create a workspace.

Create a folder for you mod and name it appropritaly (ex. "TestMod"). Inside you'll need to create a new file named index.json. For your mod to work, you'll need to fill this out with the correct data:

  "id": "test_mod",
  "type": "game",
  "dependencies": [],
  "scripts": []

Will be used to reference the mod from inside lua (name)

Mods are catagorized as either a library or game. Game mods are what you select when you make a new game, they include a campaign you can play through. While library mods are simply tools you can use like for adding inventories or quests.

You can choose to use mod libraries in your mod to easily add content. Each library mod listed here will be loaded with your mod.

This will list every lua script to be loaded in your mod.